Frequently Asked Questions

When should I order my pumpkins?
You can order your pumpkins any time. While ordering you will enter the DELIVERY date. We will ship accordingly.
How early should I get them in order for them to be fresh?
You should not have them arrive sooner than two weeks prior to your event. They are a fruit. Think of them like buying a bag of apples.
I need a quote for my school, church, or event for pumpkins.
Wholesale pricing doesn’t come into effect until 40,000 Units. The pricing can be found by clicking on each product in the shop pages. We do not have added shipping and handling unless you need a rush shipment.
How do I take care of my pumpkins when they arrive?
Take them out of the boxes as soon as possible to allow for good are flow. Keep them in a cool, ventilated room away from moisture. Heat and moisture is the perfect combination for spoilage.
How many should I order?
We suggest getting more than you will need in case of some spoilage.
How long will they last?
As any fruit, it is not known exactly when or how long they will last. That is up to Mother Nature, and the conditions that they are being stored. Keeping them dry and well ventilated is key. We try to over winter some of our pumpkins – I try not to let them touch each other. It is a lottery as far as which one will last, which one won’t.
Are your pumpkins real?
Yes, our pumpkins are real. They are considered a fruit. We plant them from seed and grown in Oregon. They are not available year round – however we do try to over winter some for special needs.